Bold Penguin

A Ruby-on-Rails web service automating insurance eligibility verification

Anyone that has tried shopping around for insurance knows that there can be an unbearable number of questions to answer and it can feel like you repeat yourself a lot. Bold Penguin, a local company, focuses on helping eliminate some of this by providing workflows that help collect this information in an insurance-company-independent manner. A key part of this is knowing what data is needed by which insurance vendors and how the answers to questions map to eligibility.

Using data Bold Penguin provided, we designed a system they could use to maintain this data and manage the Q&A portion of their service. We then built a Ruby on Rails web service to return eligibility status based on the data known about a customer based on their answers to questions.

While the problem itself is interesting, we think this project particularly highlights our technical flexibility as Ruby on Rails was a Bold Penguin request, not necessarily the path we would have taken ourselves. However, it was important to us that we build the service in a manner that fit in with their ecosystem so that they could continue to build it themselves should they choose to so. Rather than simply "making it work," we brushed up on modern Ruby/Rails standards so that the tool would be of maximum value to Bold Penguin.

At Software Verde we take software engineering very seriously and aren't afraid to update ourselves new technologies (or new versions of them) when necessary. And when we do so, we learn the current style and form along with it; producing a product that we are just as proud of as those we build with technologies we've known for years.