It is known within the United States that many current educational budgets do not adequately address the needs of schools both inside and outside of the classroom. In 2021 it has become commonplace to read stories about teachers spending money out-of-pocket in order to fund classroom related activities. To address this problem directly, Bonzy Charities, inc has worked closely with Software Verde to create a customized crowdfunding application, Bonzy.
Bonzy is a custom built mobile application designed and developed to assist teachers raise funds for classroom needs that have not been met with available budgets. Unlike other crowdfunding platforms, Bonzy fundraisers are created by registered teachers and are approved and managed by school administrators with school district oversight.
Available on both iOS & Android, Bonzy bridges a gap between corporate donations and local community needs by providing a matching platform to connect the two parties. By allowing businesses to purchase ‘Bons’ and distribute them among employees, Bonzy provides an opportunity for employers to let employees choose where the company makes charitable donations.
Using SLP Tokens and a public blockchain, Bonzy allows users to track all Bons purchases and transfers, providing higher levels of accountability and transparency than ever achieved by any competitor. This project is emblematic of our team’s ability to build customized solutions from the ground up using innovative, cutting edge technologies; all while simultaneously guiding our client through the software development process.

Services Provided
- MVP Development
- Custom UI Development
- Data Management
- Payment Processing
- Project Management